Nxt Coaching


Gain Confidence and Clarity

Nxt Coaching is for those seeking personal and professional growth at any stage of your career or life. From business leaders and C-Suite executives to mid-level professionals and new workforce entrants, Nxt Coaching provides tailored, one-on-one coaching to help you get where you want to go with confidence and a clear roadmap.

Nxt Coaching is for…

  • Immersion graduates who want to continue their work beyond the Ranch.

  • Individuals seeking personal and professional growth that aren’t quite ready for the time and financial commitment of The Immersion.

  • Individuals who are stuck, seeking change or simply wanting more out of their life.


The Nxt Step for you

Highly individualized. Coaching tailored to your unique needs and desires.

Holistic in approach. Recognizing that work, lifestyle and relationships are inextricably linked, Nxt Coaching is all about the big picture.

Future focused. While our work together is informed by your past, it is focused on your future and the path forward.

Rooted in real-world experience. As a successful entrepreneur who built and sold a company and a former practicing social worker, Nxt Coaching clients benefit from Cindy’s experience in both the business and professional counseling worlds.

Your Nxt Guide & Business Coach


Cindy Carrillo, MSW

Hi, I’m Cindy Carrillo. I’ve been helping individuals grow and thrive throughout my career. First as a licensed social worker, then as the founder and CEO of a successful service-based company, and finally as a dedicated life and business coach—my personal Nxt.

Coaching and mentoring are my life’s purpose and passion. The Immersion was born out of this passion, and my desire to facilitate meaningful change through highly individualized and immersive coaching. I work with both Pre- and Post-Immersion clientele as well as those who don’t have their sights set on The Immersion but seek regular coaching from an experienced, professional guide.


Coaching Commitment

A typical Nxt Coaching engagement is 6 to 12 months depending on your needs. However, some clients continue long after that because of the ongoing benefits they experience. A minimum 3-month commitment is required so we have the runway to tackle meaningful work worthy of your investment.


See your future. Become focused. Define your path. Act on your Nxt.